Sustainable News and Tips for a Sustainable Career

On this blog page you can find many tips about sustainability and your sustainable career!

Survey results - Opinions from employers about

Survey results - Opinions from employers about

Through a short survey we asked employers their opinion about! The survey was conducted in the last months of 2022. shares these results transparently with stakeholders, followers, job seekers and employers.

Tips for a sustainable lifestyle

Tips for a sustainable lifestyle

There is a lot of inspiration for a more sustainable lifestyle. You can be sustainable with your job, choose sustainable clothing etc. But what other lifestyle choices can you make to live more sustainably? Jobboard shares tips for a sustainable lifestyle.

Planting Trees for a good cause and the climate

Planting Trees for a good cause and the climate

You see it more and more: companies announcing that they will plant a tree for the climate for every product they sell. But why do companies do this? has sorted it out for you!

What is Greenwashing?

What is Greenwashing?

Nowadays a lot of companies claim to be working on sustainability. But how do you know if this is really the case? In this blog about Greenwashing, tells you more about misleading claims in marketing campaigns and how to recognize them.

How to become a B Corp certified company?

How to become a B Corp certified company?

B Corps, you hear more and more about it. In this blog, explains how you can become a B Corporation as a company. explains what a B Corp is and give useful tips to companies that want to become a B Corp! is a B Corp too!

Six tips for a successful job interview

Six tips for a successful job interview

A job interview is exciting. You don't know in advance how the conversation will go. However, there are many ways to prepare adequately. How do you conduct a good job interview? In this blog gives you 6 tips for a successful job interview and help you secure your dream job!

9 Tips to leave a good impression during a job interview

9 Tips to leave a good impression during a job interview

In this blog shares 9 tips on how you, as an employer, can leave a good impression on a candidate during the interview process and increase your chances of success to filling your vacancies!

CV do's & don'ts

CV do's & don'ts

You've decided it's time for a new step in your career, so it's time to update your CV! How do you make a good resume? gives a number of tips to help you draw up a strong CV. Read all the 'do's & don'ts' in this blog post.

What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?

What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?

The UN has introduced 17 Sustainable Development Goals. But what are the 17 SDGs and why are the SDGs important? In this blog explains the 17 Sustainable Development Goals!

What does sustainability, IPCC, ESG and SDG mean?

What does sustainability, IPCC, ESG and SDG mean?

You've probably come across quite a bit of sustainable terms by now. Terms and abbreviations like sustainability, IPCC, ESG and SDG. But what do they actually mean? In this blog, sheds a light on various terms in sustainability.

Tips for fun and sustainable company outings

Tips for fun and sustainable company outings

In this blog tells more about sustainable company outings, because to be a successful company or team you also need relaxation and time to connect. has listed a number of nice ideas for you. This way you have a nice day with your team while you are working sustainably!

Want to read more about sustainability? Check out this sustainable book list!

Want to read more about sustainability? Check out this sustainable book list!

In this blog shares the sustainable books that gave us insights in sustainability, sustainable business, sustianable living and our political and economical sytems. Want to read more about sustainability? Read on!