15 feb. 2022, 18:02

7 Tips on how to write a good job advert

7 Tips on how to write a good job advert

A vacancy text / job advert is the start for recruiting new employees. It is the first thing you address an applicant with, and this text can make or break the course. To write a strong vacancy text, a few points are of great importance. Still these important points are often forgotten. Read on to find out about 8 tips to write a good job advert!

7 Tips for a strong job advert

It is important that a vacancy text gives a potential newcomer a good picture of both the company and the position. To help you write this text and to give you a push in the right direction, Greenjobs.nl have listed 7 tips for you!

🌿 1. Good preparation is half the job
 Therefore, make sure that you immerse yourself in the modern candidate and know what he/she really thinks is important. Then incorporate these characteristics into your vacancy text so that it connects well with who you want to reach.

🌿 2. Make sure your job description is original and not full of clichés
1 in 3 applicants are annoyed by these clichés and give up. So stay away from the terms 'no 9-to-5 mentality', 'team player' and 'flexible'.

🌿 3. Choose the best job title for the job advert - Keep it simple and to the point
This is the first thing people see in your vacancy text and only when this name is recognizable and appealing will people actually start reading your vacancy text. To determine the best job title, you can ask the question 'What's at the top of the ideal candidate's resume?' The answer to this question is often the best job title. So no Finance Guru or Happiness officer, but rather Accounts Payable Employee and HR officer. That will also help for your SEO.

🌿 4. Pay attention to the working atmosphere in the job advert
 For years, the working atmosphere has been in the top 3 as the most important pull factor in the choice of a job by the Dutch working population. So make sure that you write in your vacancy text about where the candidate would be working.

🌿 5. Stay away from the infinitely long list of requirements
Only name what is really necessary for the position. This prevents people from thinking they do not qualify and therefore not taking the trouble to apply.

🌿 6. Mention the salary or a salary indication in the job advert
By mentioning a salary or salary indication in your job advert, you ensure that you distinguish your vacancy text from the majority of vacancy texts in which no salary is mentioned. In addition, salary is the main driver of the Dutch labor force when looking for a job. So be different from the rest, distinguish yourself, break the taboo and mention the salary in your vacancy text.

🌿 7. Provide a strong call to action at the end of the job description
By adding a strong call-to-action at the end of your job description, candidates will take action faster and that's exactly what you want! So make sure you are clear about the response time and include contact details so that potential candidates have the opportunity to ask questions.

Hopefully these tips will help you and point you in the right direction to help you write a great job advert for your sustainable jobs. 

Once finished don't forget to post all your jobs on Greenjobs.nl! 

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