9 jul. 2024, 15:57

Together to a plastic-free workplace during Plastic Free July

Together to a plastic-free workplace during Plastic Free July

Together to a plastic-free workplace during Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a global campaign organized by Plastic Free Foundation that encourages people to reduce the amount of plastic they use. In July, people around the world join forces to become more aware of the plastic waste being produced and how to take action to reduce it. The goal is to collectively make a positive impact on our planet by making more sustainable choices in our daily lives.

Plastic Free July: Initiatives for the workplace

Plastic Free July is not only an opportunity for individuals, but also for organizations and teams to contribute to a more sustainable world. By working together, you can not only reduce your plastic use, but also raise awareness and encourage positive change. Here are some initiatives you can undertake with your colleagues to celebrate Plastic Free July.

1. Organize a plastic-free lunch

Plan a plastic-free lunch where everyone brings food in reusable containers from Dille & Kamille, for example. Avoid plastic cutlery, plates and cups by using reusable or biodegradable options instead. This can be a great way to share creative solutions and get inspiration from each other's ideas. Consider Bee’s wrap as a replacement for plastic wrap

2. Encourage reusable bottles and drink tap water: choose reuse over single-use

Encourage the use of reusable water bottles. Possibly give reusable bottles such as dopper with company logo as a gift to employees to encourage them to use less disposable bottles and drink water from the tap.

3. Plastic-free office supplies

Replace plastic office supplies with sustainable alternatives. Consider metal or wooden staplers, paper clips instead of plastic clips, and reusable pens. Take inventory of current supplies and gradually replace plastic products with more sustainable options. Take a look at B Corp drukzo for all your printed sustainable office supplies.

4. Zero Waste challenges

Introduce weekly challenges to reduce waste. For example, challenge employees to not use disposable plastic for a week, bring their own lunch without plastic containers, or find creative ways to reduce office waste.

5. Workshops and educational sessions

Organize workshops on sustainability and plastic reduction to inspire employees. Invite experts to lecture on the impact of plastic on the environment and provide practical tips for plastic-free living. DIY sessions, in which employees make their own reusable products such as beeswax wraps or natural cleaning products, can provide hands-on experience. Movie nights with documentaries such as "A Plastic Ocean" followed by discussion sessions raise awareness. Challenge employees with a plastic-free week challenge and discuss the results during a feedback session.

6. Common recycling and composting points

Provide well-marked recycling and composting stations in the office. Educational signs can help inform employees about what can and cannot be recycled and how composting works. This increases the likelihood that waste will be properly separated and processed.

7. Sustainable procurement policies.

Implement a purchasing policy that favors suppliers that offer sustainable, plastic-free products. This can range from office supplies to catering services that use reusable or compostable packaging.

8. Cleanups and volunteering

Organize a team outing to a local cleanup event. This can be a beach, park or city cleanup. Working together to create a cleaner environment can promote team spirit and raise awareness about the impact of plastic pollution. 

9. Inspire employees with internal communication

Use internal communication channels such as newsletters, intranet and team meetings to share tips and celebrate successes. Sharing stories and photos of employees participating in Plastic Free July initiatives can inspire others to join in.

Get the most out of Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July offers a great opportunity to work together as a team to create a more sustainable office and make a positive impact on the environment and community. Implementing creative and practical initiatives will reduce your plastic use and change your outlook on the environment in a positive way. Reducing plastic waste in the workplace strengthens everyone's environmental awareness and promotes sustainable habits, not only within the organization but beyond.

Inspire others by setting a good example and actively contributing to reducing your carbon footprint. You have the power to make a difference, not only for your office and immediate environment, but also for the world around you. Take this opportunity to show that small changes can have a big impact. Your efforts can make a positive change that extends beyond just this month.

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