17 sep. 2024, 11:49

October 1st is Diversity Day! Why Greenjobs.nl is participating in Let's play equal

October 1st is Diversity Day! Why Greenjobs.nl is participating in Let's play equal

October 1st is Diversity Day!
Have you ever heard of Diversity Day? This year it's on October 1st! Diversity Day is an annual event that is organized to celebrate the diversity in our society and to emphasize the importance of appreciating differences. On this day, attention is paid to topics such as cultural background, sexual orientation, gender, age, religion and working capacity.

Greenjobs.nl believes that a sustainable future is not only about the environment or climate, but also about society and social justice. Diversity and inclusion play a crucial role in this. On October 1st it is Diversity Day again, a day that reminds everyone that there is still a lot of work to be done in the field of equality and inclusion. For Greenjobs.nl, it is a day that provides extra motivation to continue working towards a fair and equal society - in the workplace and beyond.

Why Greenjobs.nl participates in Diversity Day

As one of the four B Corps that contributed to the development of Let's play equal - The most unfair game in the world, we at Greenjobs.nl feel a strong responsibility to contribute to an inclusive society. Diversity Day offers the perfect opportunity to pay extra attention to this. Greenjobs.nl is very aware that inequality and discrimination are unfortunately still part of daily life for many people, and as an organization we want to actively contribute to changing this reality.

By participating in Diversity Day, we not only want to continue to improve our own organization, but also inspire other companies to do the same. Together we can create an environment where everyone, regardless of background, gender, age or sexual orientation, has equal opportunities.

Let's play equal: a board game that starts the conversation about diversity

The boardgame Let's play equal was born from the need to have difficult conversations about inequality and inclusion in an accessible and interactive way. At Greenjobs.nl we realize that it can sometimes be difficult to make these topics discussable. That is why we were excited to work on the development of this game together with BLYDE BENELUX, BR-ND People, Misteli Creative Agency and B Lab Benelux.

Let's play equal is not just a board game; it is a powerful tool that helps teams to create awareness and promote inclusion. The game confronts participants with inequalities and stimulates constructive conversations about how we can improve inclusion in the workplace. By playing the game, you discover how we can build a working environment where everyone feels welcome.

Companies such as Triodos Bank, Tony's Chocolonely, Danone and KLM have already played the game. They dared to take on the challenge and took an important step towards more equality within their organizations.

What Diversity Day means for Greenjobs.nl

For Greenjobs.nl, Diversity Day is more than a symbolic day. Greenjobs.nl strives for an inclusive labor market in which everyone, regardless of background or identity, has the opportunity to contribute to a sustainable future. Diversity is a force that makes us stronger and helps us find innovative solutions to today's challenges.

On October 1, we not only reflect on the steps we have already taken, but we also look ahead to what is still needed. Diversity Day is a moment to challenge ourselves, learn from others and empathize with the stories of people who may not have had the same opportunities. For us, it is an opportunity to reaffirm our values ​​and take concrete actions to make the labor market more inclusive.

Building an inclusive future together
At Greenjobs.nl we are convinced that we can only realize a truly inclusive future by working together. That is why we continue to commit to projects such as Let's play equal and continue to look for ways to promote diversity and inclusion, both within our own team and at the organizations we work with.

So, Let's play equal! On Diversity Day we participate – will you too? Let's make this day a powerful signal and together build a world in which equality and inclusion are the norm. Towards a future in which everyone has a fair chance to contribute to a sustainable, inclusive society.

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