18 jun. 2024, 11:34

How companies are working towards healthier oceans and fighting climate change

How companies are working towards healthier oceans and fighting climate change

How companies are working towards healthier oceans and fighting climate change

At Greenjobs.nl, June is dedicated to the theme of 'Climate and Oceans.' We are excited to showcase how various companies are committed to protecting our oceans and combating climate change. Through interviews, they have shared their experiences and commitment to sustainability. Read their inspiring stories in this blog!

The role of oceans - Why clean oceans are important

Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface and play an important role in regulating the climate. They absorb CO2, provide habitats for countless marine species, and are a vital source of food and employment for millions of people worldwide. Not only are they essential to the planetary system, but they also serve as a buffer against the most severe impacts of climate change.

The threats to oceans - Why pollution is a problem

Unfortunately, our oceans face immense challenges. Some of the biggest threats include:

  • Climate Change: Global warming leads to higher sea temperatures and rising sea levels, threatening biodiversity and damaging coral reefs.
  • Pollution: Millions of tons of plastic and other waste enter the oceans annually, endangering marine life and disrupting the marine ecosystem.
  • Overfishing: Overfishing depletes fish populations faster than they can replenish, risking the extinction of species.
  • Ocean Acidification: Increased CO2 emissions cause ocean acidification, harmful to shellfish and coral reefs.

The need for action for cleaner oceans

Protecting our oceans is important for the planet's future. Without healthy oceans, we cannot have a healthy planet. This requires joint efforts from governments, NGOs, communities, and businesses to implement sustainable practices and reduce the damage to marine ecosystems.

Here are some inspiring initiatives by companies committed to healthier oceans and fighting climate change:

Interview with Oceans of Energy

What does Oceans of Energy do? We design, build, install, and maintain floating solar installations at sea. We also conduct extensive ecological monitoring and research to ensure that our technology harmonizes with the marine ecosystem.

Commitment to climate and oceans:

  • SDG14 - Life Below Water: Conserving and sustainably using the oceans for sustainable development is part of our mission, which is why we have developed a system that does not cause negative impacts on the marine environment. On the contrary, we perform extensive environmental research activities and we are exploring potential marine enhancement projects, contributing to SDG Targets 14.2 and 14.a.
  • SDG13 - Climate Action: All (European) countries are taking urgent actions to combat climate change and its impacts. By developing offshore solar farms, we contribute to the renewable energy transition and directly contribute to SDG Target 13.2.2 (Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions)

Experience working at Oceans of Energy: Fantastic! The mission of Oceans of Energy is to provide sustainable energy to many people around the world, but only if there is no negative impact on the sea. In fact, we always strive for positive effects. And there are many! For example, we are essentially building a floating reef, which increases local biodiversity.

What makes working at Oceans of Energy fun? A young, enthusiastic team. We design, build, and also do a lot of offshore work and research!

Interview with The Great Bubble Barrier

What Does The Great Bubble Barrier Do? The Great Bubble Barrier captures plastic in rivers and prevents it from reaching the ocean. We achieve this with our Bubble Barrier technology, which is essentially a screen of bubbles.

Commitment to Climate and Oceans: Clean rivers are vital for people, animals, and nature. By removing plastic pollution from rivers, we not only ensure cleaner waterways but also prevent plastic from eventually entering the ocean. The plastic we capture with our Bubble Barriers in rivers is sorted and monitored. This process provides valuable insights into the amount and types of plastic present in the waterway and their origins. These data contribute to better policies to prevent plastic from entering the water in the first place.

Vacancies Related to Climate and Oceans: All our job positions contribute to our mission of plastic-free rivers and, consequently, cleaner oceans.

Experience of Working at The Great Bubble Barrier: The mission of The Great Bubble Barrier attracts people who care about the health of rivers and the ocean. Our team, full of water enthusiasts—divers, surfers, and sailors—works tirelessly toward our shared goal. It is special to make a real impact together with colleagues for this common purpose.

What Makes Working at The Great Bubble Barrier Enjoyable?

  • Pioneering: Cleaning rivers of plastic is partly an exploration into uncharted waters. Since we are innovators, there is no ready-made recipe for the work we do. This grants us a lot of freedom to introduce and implement new ideas.
  • Variety: In a scale-up, no day is the same. Our team continuously uses all their skills to execute Bubble Barrier projects. As our team grows, this process becomes increasingly streamlined.

Interview with Stichting de Noordzee

What Stichting de Noordzee does:

Stichting De Noordzee has been the leading organization dedicated to the protection and sustainable use of the North Sea for over forty years. Our mission is to achieve a healthy ecosystem that can resiliently withstand external pressures.

Commitment to Climate and Oceans:

These are critical times for the North Sea, making it essential to restore the balance between nature and human activity at sea. Stichting De Noordzee acts as a voice for nature. We are dedicated to environmental protection, sustainable fishing, nature-friendly energy, and a sea free from pollution. But our focus extends to the broader picture: the cumulative effects of various activities on the North Sea significantly impact its marine life. This is why we initiated the North Sea Agreement, a political accord among stakeholders to ensure better management of the North Sea.

You might know us from our annual national beach cleanup campaign, the Beach Cleanup Tour. Every August, thousands of volunteers help clean the entire Dutch North Sea coast. We also conduct research on beach litter, because "to measure is to know!" With the support of volunteers, our new project "Meet Mee voor een Schone Noordzee" aims to highlight the litter problem along the entire North Sea coast. This data is crucial in our ultimate goal: ensuring a North Sea free of waste. Our next monitoring round is in October—if you want to join, we welcome your help!

Job Opportunities Related to Stichting De Noordzee:

Over the years, we've expanded and regularly have job openings. Our team includes marine ecologists and experts in areas like fisheries and nature-friendly energy. We also employ many passionate generalists!

Experience of Working at Stichting De Noordzee:

Stichting De Noordzee is comprised of enthusiastic professionals dedicated to maintaining a clean and healthy North Sea.

What Makes Working at Stichting De Noordzee enjoyable?

It's incredibly rewarding to work with wonderful people towards a noble cause. Although our office is based in Utrecht, we often find ourselves with the entire team on the beach!

These organizations also work towards a cleaner ocean, do you know them already?

  • Dopper
  • The Ocean Movement (By the Ocean we Unite)
  • Ocean Clean-Up
  • Aqua-Spark
  • Greenpeace

Greenjobs.nl is grateful for the contributions of all organizations that participated in the focus on 'Climate and Oceans' in June 2024. Their commitment to protecting oceans and fighting climate change is inspiring and essential for a sustainable future.

Want to make a difference too? Visit Greenjobs.nl for sustainable job opportunities. Together, we can build a world where healthy oceans and a stable climate are central.

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