11 mrt. 2024, 15:18

Greenjobs.nl explores Let’s play equal: Diving into diversity and privilege

Greenjobs.nl explores Let’s play equal: Diving into diversity and privilege

Ever wondered how diverse your inner circle really is? Or thought about the privilege you were born in to? These questions have a way of opening our eyes to the world around us, don't they? That's precisely why a group of passionate individuals decided to create ‘Let’s play equal’ —a game designed to explore these essential themes. Their mission? To break down barriers and promote fairness for all.

Sharing experiences: Insights from the team at Greenjobs.nl

To give you a better idea of what Let’s play equal is all about and its impact, the team at Greenjobs.nl will share their own experiences. By answering two of the playing cards—"How did this game make you feel?" and "What does diversity mean to you?" This will help you understand what Let’s play equal is about and why it's important. With the answers of the first question you get a better idea of what the game is intended for:

How did this game make you feel?

💜“Very privileged and humbled. I knew I had some privilege but through this game it became more and more evident. Also I wasn’t aware of so many facts around discrimination.”

💙“Playing the game made me feel sad about the inequalities and injustice in this world but also motivated to work on changing the status quo.”

💚“The game left me with a sense of inspiration and awareness, especially in observing others becoming more attuned to important matters while playing.”

💛“Let's play equal is a great way to not only learn something in general, but also to get to know your coworkers better or see them in a new way. It's a great way to improve company culture. The game made me feel appreciated when we played it together.”

🧡“This game makes me feel good because it’s fun to play a game with the team, and at the same time it creates beautiful and deep conversations about difficult subjects so it also connects.”

❤️“Let's play equal gave me a reminder of all the privilege I have and all the inequalities that exist. It was an intresting and playfull way of learning more about this important matter.”

🤎”Let's play equal is a game that is built to make light of an uncomfortable topic, not to diminish it but to break the ice and create ground for people to open up. The times I've played it in slightly different teams, it has made me feel a little tense at first, because you never know what is coming. This quickly changes as you feel there is a safe space and there is no right or wrong, just an opportunity to learn from each other. I think the moderator plays a big role in this. Throughout the game I get more aware of my privileges and the things people can struggle with that aren't always visible. There is room for discussion and sharing personal experiences which can add nuance and build connections between individual participants. In conclusion, after playing I felt more aware of the different factors that can have an impact on people in general, and a deeper understanding for the other players.”

Next, let's explore another important question:

What does diversity mean to you?

💜”In my opinion diversity is very important for any healthy organization to thrive. Not only is it fair to grant equal opportunities to different sub groups of society, but also it prevents groupthink and one sided ideas. People from all different backgrounds, nationalities, genders, sexualities etc. will add different opinions that can ultimately make a company stronger and more adjusted to the outside world. However, a good representation of society is not yet enough for everyone to actually feel accepted, therefore an active effort is necessary from all parties involved. This is where inclusion comes into play. There is this saying that goes "diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked for a dance", so I think the interplay between those 2 concepts is essential. I believe Let's play equal adds to this awareness by engaging employees into this subject in a playful way.”

💙“Answering this question is always difficult, but for me it simply means different people with different backgrounds with different stories and experiences.”

💚“I appreciate the beauty of diversity. No one is (exactly) the same and it is amazing to see how different everyone can be. I have met people who are the complete opposite of me and have friends who all have their own unique personalities. I think it would be really boring if everyone was exactly the same. I love getting to know people and what they are interested in; it makes me curious and happy to get to know them better.”

💛“To me, diversity means balance. A diverse team consists of people with many different backgrounds and lives, of all kinds of ethnicities and genders. I believe that only a team (or society) that is as diverse as possible is healthy and can succeed.”

🧡“Diversity, to me, is about acknowledging, embracing, and celebrating our differences. It's the recognition that each individual brings unique perspectives, experiences, and strengths, contributing to a richer and more vibrant community. Most importantly, it means creating an environment where everybody feels comfortable and valued.”

❤️“Diversity to me is about making sure everyone feels included, apart from all their differences. It's about understanding eachoters differences and embracing them”

🤎”Diversity to me is about equality. It’s not just about being aware of what diversity is, but really listening to people who are different from you. People with a different culture, different upbringing, different age, different sexual orientation etc. Diversity to me means that the world is a place for everyone and not just the most privileged people.”

Join us in playing Let's play equal!

Are you interested in answering more of these questions yourself? Why not join us in playing Let's play equal? It's more than just a game—it's a tool for learning and understanding diversity better. By playing together, we can open up conversations, build empathy, and foster a more inclusive environment. Whether you're a team at work, a group of friends, or a community looking to connect, Let's play equal offers a fun and engaging way to spark meaningful discussions.

Let's break down barriers and make the world a more inclusive place, one game at a time! 

Let's play it equal—let's play together!"

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